Village and Civil Parish of Heslington, near York, England


Local Area Coordination

Local Area Coordination

January 2022

There are no lengthy referral forms, criteria or assessments so just get in touch with Alice directly on 07923 232824 | 

For more information on Local Area Coordination in York please visit

Local Area Coordination

Local Area Coordination has launched in Fishergate, Fulford and Heslington. The new Local
Area Coordinator (LAC) in your area is Alice Hawken and she is joining the wider network of
11 LACs based across York.
Local Area Coordination is an evidence-based approach to support you as a valued resident in
your community. See
LACs work with individuals and families of all ages and abilities. They take time to get to know
you, your family, friends, carers and your community, so they can help you to build a strong
support network. This enables you to pursue your vision for a good life and to stay safe,
strong, connected, healthy, and in control. LACs do this by helping raise awareness of
available resources; provide links to local services; support with a wide range of issues;
encourage resilience and social inclusion in communities; and identify, nurture and use/share
personal strengths, skills, experiences and those of their communities.
Support is offered to people who feel isolated and vulnerable due to age, frailty, disability or
mental health needs or for any other reason(s). Residents can introduce themselves or be
introduced to their LAC by anyone (GPs, local councillors, professionals, local people,
neighbours, friends, relatives, voluntary organisations, local clubs and activities). The types of
support offered by an LAC are, but are not limited to:

• helping you access a wide range of information

• identify and navigate complex health and social care systems

• develop relationships and community networks

• getting your voice heard about things that are important to you

• helping you find volunteering opportunities

• find practical ways of doing the things you want or need to do

Neighbourhood Plan

What do you think Heslington will be like in the future? Find out about our Neighbourhood Plan.

Heslington Village Facilities

Find out about Heslington's village facilities - from the local services to the Village Meeting Room and Sports Field

News and Updates

Find out about village news, information and updates by following our regularly updated News section.
